Scratching Post, Weekender, The Star
Anyone can dream. You don't need balls to do that.
But to actualize that dream takes plenty of guts - and grit. Stuff which Tam has truckloads of.
I've eaten at and known Tam for years. Enjoyed his food, and then later his company, and went on to develop an abiding admiration for his quiet, unassuming ways.
That's the man! :)
There are many reasons why I like going to Tam.
He's just downstairs (i.e. opposite Super Tanker, opens from 6-ish in the evening to 2am)
He's always ready with a smile for me (yes, even through those Sars-struck days)
... and of course, when inspired, his food is Tam's up (sorry, couldn't resist! :D)
Sometimes our conversations resemble chicken-and-duck talk - he speaks in a thick loghat that my bunny ears have occasional trouble unscrambling. Nevertheless their musical quaintness never fail to charm, even his smses:
Like today, "Saya x pandai BI tapi fahamla sikit nanti ptg sy suroh kwn terjemah dkt sy."
"Suroh?" So quaint! So old-school!
Or the other day, "Awak cakap buat saya ketawa hingga berguling. Apapun TQ. BZ ni pelanggan ramai nak masak dlu"
Is it just me, or is it a lot more fun to sms in BM? :)
One of my earliest food pieces, published in 2005 or 6
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
oooo... the guy resemble a knight in black armour and purple banner which does not flutter in the wind.
Haha it's not just you. Even though I'm not really the 'BM' kinda person, I find it interesting texting in BM. ;D
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