
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hug those you love

Scratching Post, Weekender, The Star
For the full article, please click on this link
To read some readers' responses, please click here

This was such a difficult article to write: could you tell?

I still keep Pakcik Norhuda's last sms to me.


  1. Hi Alexandra
    Yes, I read your article and it was a well written piece.
    It's good to know that you have come to appreciate your parents more. They are indeed lucky to have you.

    Sharon fm Penang

  2. Is marginally disconcerting having that post title right up next to the photo of you amidst a collection of collared Chippendales.

    Having said that, read it, loved it.

  3. *smile*
    Life's full of surprises

  4. Alexandra, that's a touching and honest account. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I subscribe to The Star and love reading your articles. You must have read loads of Enid Blyton to write in that level of English.

    Diana @

  6. I like reading your articles though I do not have the time to read the papers daily. Finally, I found your blog.I really need to brush up my English.

    I'm an Enid Blyton fan too!

    Looking forward to read more of your written pieces.

  7. Thats's a good n touchy one.

    Well..i started to do the same to my mum when i started to travel extensively due to work..most of the time away for months at a time.

    As the saying goes..You don't know what you got till it's gone...that's what i hold on to and how i remind myself that our loved ones will never be there for us forever...
