
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Of trains and making friends

Out and About, Weekender, The Star
For the full article, please click here
For the background of this article, please click here


  1. I loved this article, I even posted it on Facebook! :)

  2. It's good to know that there are still some kind strangers around us, whom we could trust... I truly admire your guts of accepting a total stranger's invitation to meet and even visit his hometown...I wouldn't dare to, lest of the risk of meeting a possible cunning ones...

  3. Hi, I'm one of your regular readers of your Navel Gazer column and I want to say I love your articles. I like the way you write. This week's article's my fav too!! =p

  4. i love the way you expressed the whole journey into words. a lot of feelings and emotions involved too. i'll be looking out for more of your writings :)

  5. Thanks everyone! My apologies for the late reply, been freaking busy :(

    Yes, generous spirited folks are everywhere. We just have to keep our eyes, ears and hearts open!

    I should have another piece out next Saturday, 28th Feb!

    WP: wah really?? You make me kembang only lah :D

    Chiawen: heheh, I've done even more daredevilish things than this. Only thing is, have to reveal sedikit sedikit - not good to scare the parents who also read the papers!!

    Sulin: Thanks Sulin :)I'm just glad I had a chance to thank Louis in a small way through this arty, though personally I think it pales in comparison to what he did for us in Gua Musang!

    Mel: You're right about the emotional bit. I don't know about my two travelling companions, but I certainly was holding back tears when we were travelling back to KL. Ah. Thinking about Gua Musang always brings back a flood of fuzzy feelings!

  6. ..I re-read the January papers in one of evenings back in Sg, and find it 'nostalgic' to read about 'adventure' again. I've past my youth time & it's nice recalling those early days, not saddle with work & adult-problems. One can only do that in Malaysia, it still has that adventure feeling..Sg,'s always deadlines & work (eat, sleep & then back to work!)
