
Monday, October 2, 2006


I need a writer. How can I get in touch with you?
Send me an email at alexandra.lywong[at], with a short overview of the organization you represent, a brief scope of work, deadline and budget, if possible. I'll respond within 24 hours unless I'm on an overseas assignment.

What kind of editorial services do you offer?
My repertoire includes but is not limited to the following:
Media articles
Press releases
Translation (Chinese-English pair)
Editorial consultancy

You've only been writing professionally since mid-2005. That's not very long, if you know what I mean.
I have been published in the media since I was thirteen (or was it twelve?). I started with letters to the editor, before progressing to the Youth Pages, before making that leap to the adult league :)

Even when I was working in an American mnc, I managed to sneak numerous articles into local publications.

In hindsight, my corporate years were invaluable in preparing me for my eventual foray into professional writing: they honed my time management skills (translation: a healthy respect for deadlines), developed my ability to think out of the box (fresh, engaging story angles) and developed a strong result-oriented attitude (I take pride in my work and do my best to ensure it meets both the client's and my own expectations).

Oh and having an honours degree in English Literature helps too, I reckon :)

What subjects do you specialize in?
To my amusement and occasional chagrin, the inception of Navel Gazer ((my column which runs on the last Saturday of The Star, Weekender) has led to an unexpected consequence: more than once, I've been asked by strangers: "Are you the one who writes all those stories about life's idiosyncracies in The Star? Oh, and does your mum still sell tomatoes?"

The answer: Yes, and no :)

Though I have cultivated a reputation for making wry observations about life's idiosyncracies, waxing lyrical about the Average Joe/Jane, and finding treasures in unexpected places (there's a story in every cranny, geddit), I am not a one-trick pony :)

Who have you written for?
My media articles have appeared in both local and international publications.

I have also done extensive work for
advertising & public relations agencies
events (WCIT 2008, MIFF, OMC2008)
local and multinational corporations.

For my corporate work, I'll be happy to furnish you with a list of my clients once you've signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Are you attached to any publication?
I am a full time independent writer.

Are your stories commissioned or self-initiated?
Both, though I have earned a reputation for having plenty of initiative, gungho and resourcefulness in scoring scoops :)

How did you start writing?
You can read about it here, here and here.

Read the cover story for Personal Money's July 2008 edition on getting your dream job. (Yes, that tubby chick on the far left is me ;))

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