Monday, January 12, 2009

Perak Good Food Guide

Not a word whatsoever of sar kok liew?

What a travesty.

Many a balmy morning, my homies and I would be sitting in a coffee shop and munching on our umpteenth piece of sar kok liew and tearing our hair out in frustration. Why, in the name of the Kitchen God, hasn't this delicious snack been recognized, nay, celebrated in any food tome of note?

That oversight has been corrected - FINALLY - in this shiny new food guide by Flavours, which yours truly had a part to play in :)

So go on, hotfoot it to the nearest good bookstore and find out how something so simple as flour, water and yambean, can taste oh-so-divinely sublime (ok, ok, cliche overload)

I'd like to say that the most rewarding part about doing this book is rectifying this oversight, but but that is only the tip of the iceberg of satisfaction I felt, when I ran my fingers through the leaves of the finished product for the first time.

I hope this book will do fabulously well :)

Not just because I had a part to play in it, and it leads you to over 180 hugely satisfying eats, from the famous Ipoh white coffee and sar hor fun to the yummy, but little known sar kok liew, but more importantly, the Perak Good Food Guide has tried to give a face and recognition to the people who contribute to the vibrancy and diversity of the Ipoh culinary scene.

Eat your heart out :)


Unknown said...

sar kok liew is my all-time favourite.... speaking from a person from Ipoh.

WP said...

You're right, I've never heard of it!

But looking at the photo I really want to try it...

Anonymous said...

I just bought the book and love it! Very detailed explanations and mouth-watering photos.

Sar kok liew is my all-time favourite too... sadly, it can't be found in other states.

Keep up the good work!

The Travelling Foodie said...

Hi Alex,
The Sar Kok Liew looks like its from the place I took you for curry mee. I just bought a hundred pieces from the famous shop in Falim to bring to KL.

Unknown said...


bought several copies to distribute- thought it'll be a nice CNY gift for friends.

those sar koks...just can't find them anywhere in Klang Valley!

will share how i like to enjoy them most:
like it best after a quick dip in the hot bowl of soup - when it's not hard & dry nor soaked soggy.

Alexandra Wong said...

Mickey: *hi-five, fellow Ipohite*

WP: You should :) My friends and I area ll crazy about sar kok liew. Worth driving all the way from KL to Ipoh I tell you ....

Jason: Thanks for the support Jason! Get your friends to buy also lah.... heheh

Travelling Foodie: Hmm, actulaly it's not. It's from the Buntong market. We saw the lady making the sar kok liew from scratch, very enlightening! When you come back to Ipoh next, I take you and Liz there lah :)

PK: A few copies? Wah, thank youah! Who's this, btw?? I got a few friends with the initials PK leh...will this kind benefactor kindly reveal his/her identity ... :)

Unknown said...


PK - PKTYRE - Perak Tyre - Name of my family business (of > 40 years now) in Menglembu.

There're still plenty more precious makans around...perhaps an online version will allow further expansion / updates.

So-got discount if I buy more copies?

Have a peaceful but yummy new year.

Wai Leong

Anonymous said...

Wai Leong! You sneaky son of a gun!!! I knew it couldn't be the other one, since you addressed me by my Chinese name ...

An online version huh? But the web is already saturated with so many food blogs....

Coming back to Ipoh this CNY? Maybe we can meet up. As Mrs Ho says, two heads are better than one :)

Speaking of which, I must really make the effort to see her this CNY, if only to deliver that long overdue issue of Quill with the tribute to her! I'm roping in Cheong Fatt of course. Give me a holler if you'd like to tag along, ya?

Petite Lass said...

Mmm...this post had stirred my curiosity. What's sar kok liew? What is it made of? Sorry, I have not heard of it before.

Extreme Power said...

Nice one. Didn't know got this famous thing in Ipoh.


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