Scratching Post, Weekender, The Star
To be perfectly honest, I hesitated at the Send button. This was such an awfully personal piece after all.
In the end I decided to go ahead anyway, becauseI had a feeling that it would strike a chord with many people. I've just seen it happen so many times. Not just to me, but to my friends and loved ones - people working themselves (and their health by default) to the ground because they didn't know how to get off the rogue locomotive.
Like me, they forgot that they were controlling the steering wheel.
I wrote this about 2 months ago. Since then, other things have happened. Not necessarily bad things, just things that made me reevaluate life from a different slant. I've come to the conclusion that nothing is really over until YOU decide it's over.
To those who asked, yes, I am better now. Much, much better.
Thanks for caring. I am a blessed girl :)